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The purpose of this reference page is to provide a central link to key materials that have been produced by the Kesho Trust in the course of our work with partners and on the projects we undertake.  It is not intended to be a comprehensive list of references for the subjects we deal with.  These materials are also referenced in other places on the website in conjunction with the activity that they were part of. These materials are intended to be accessed and used freely by those interested.  Please provide the appropriate reference when using these materials.


Downie, B.K.  2022.  A contextual review of Maasai well-being in Tanzania: an annotated bibliography. Kesho Trust, Yukon. Pp. 42.

Dearden, P., Downie, B., Seijo, J.C. and Charles, A. 2021. Biodiversity outcomes of community conservation. In: Charles, A. (ed.) Communities, conservation and livelihoods. Chapter 5, pp. 24-29. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN and Halifax, Canada: Community Conservation Research Network. Available at: Community Conservation Research Network | Communities, Conservation & Livelihoods

Val, Erik.  2021. Mapping Loita Maasai Land Use and Occupancy, Enguserosambu, Tanzania – Mapping Maasai Life, for Maasai, by Maasai.  Kesho Trust, Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada pp. 96.

Downie, B.K. and Dearden, P.  2018.  Short-term needs trump conservation in household livelihood decision-making around Saadani National Park, Tanzania.  South African Geographical Journal, 100, 2. DOI: 10.1080/03736245.2017.1342210

Downie, B.K.  2016.  Towards the resolution of a conservation and community conflict: A Tanzania case study. Policy Matters, 20, 66-80.

Downie, B.K., Dearden, P. and King, L.  2016.  Exploring paradoxes in the search for sustainable livelihoods: a case study from Tanzania.  Environment Development and SustainabilityDOI: 10.1007/s10668-016-9896-2

Moshi, B. S. 2016. Impacts of protected areas on local livelihood: a case study of Saadani National Park.  Masters of Natural Resources Management (Biology).  Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway.

Project reports and evaluations:

Downie, B.K.  2016.  IUCN final report: workshops in Saadani National Park with Linking Tourism & Conservation for community centered learning from protected area tourism solutions.  The Kesho Trust, Dar es Salaam.

Enfield, S.  2014.  Learning and Impact Evaluation of Project implemented by The Kesho Trust: Improving Community Awareness and Advocacy on Disability (ICAAD). The Kesho Trust, Dar es Salaam.

Kesho Trust.  2013.  Improving Community Awareness and Advocacy on Disability:  Project Document.  The Kesho Trust, Dar es Salaam.

Facility designs:

Liddle, B. 2013.  World Elephant Centre: Conceptual Design.  Haines Junction, Yukon.

Liddle, B. 2013.  Kihembe Environmental Education Centre: Site Report and Conceptual Design.  Haines Junction, Yukon.

Community profiles:

Simon, B.  2012.  Community profile baseline information.  The Kesho Trust, Dar es Salaam.

Wapling, L.  2010.  Community profile baseline information.  The Kesho Trust, Dar es Salaam.

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