Project Name
Conducting baseline and endline assessments of the community-smart consultation and consent (CSCC) project: Improving land governance in the Kilombero Sugar Company grower expansion zone
Start: July, 2023 End: October, 2025
LANDESA commissioned the Kesho Trust to establish the CSCC baseline data in 2023 and to also conduct the final evaluation when the project comes to an end in 2025. To do this, KT reviewed and finalized the pre-developed tools (survey questionnaire and the FGD and KIIs guides) for carrying out the data collection. Using the tools (which were then translated into Kiswahili), the Kesho Trust collected the data that was needed for the baseline and prepared the field report as needed by LANDESA.
In 2025, Kesho Trust will be going back to Kilosa and Kilombero (Morogoro Region) to undertake the data collection for the final assessment of the project.