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Our People

The Kesho Trust has benefited from a huge investment of time and energy from a great number of people.  Overseeing that effort, providing direction and advice, has been our Board of Directors in Canada.  We have also been fortunate from time to time to have experienced advisors who have assisted the board in establishing good practice and ensuring effective outcomes. Critical to the successful implementation of activities on the ground have been large number of volunteers who generously donated their time and expertise to engaging with communities on the ground in Tanzania and supporting the operation of the organization at home in Canada. In Tanzania we have also had staff who make the work on the ground happen and to whom we owe much. And of course, we wouldn’t be operating without the support of our donors, the many individuals that continue to contribute to the work of the Kesho Trust and support our projects and partnerships. We thank you all very much.

For information about the people that make our program happen see:

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