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A new research program

July 13, 2014

The Institutional Canopy of Conservation in East Africa [ICC]

This seven year research initiative led by McGill University [Montreal, Canada] and the Africa Conservation Centre [Nairobi, Kenya] has recently been awarded funding through the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada [SSHRC] and the International Development Research Centre [IDRC].  The Kesho Trust is a partner organization in this new research consortium along with a variety of institutions and organizations from Canada, Kenya and Tanzania.

The major goal of the partnership is to identify the most effective designs for future community based conservation programs by examining the impacts of ongoing conservancy experiments on the attitudes and livelihood practices of community members as they interact with natural resources. The project will focus on the rangelands, wetlands and forests of the East African savannah, especially in the borderlands between Kenya and Tanzania where wildlife concentrations profit from the richest pastoral lands in Africa.  A key problem to be addressed is whether and how indigenous communities should participate in managing protected areas and conservation enterprises, as partners and stakeholders.

For more information see our website through this link: ICC

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