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Promoting Conservation in Saadani

March 8, 2013

Promoting Environmental Conservation and Cooperation [PECC] is our new 2 year project in the Saadani area made possible through the support of the Tanzania Foundation for Civil Society. The goal is to work with 6 communities adjacent to the park to promote greater understanding of conservation principles and practices and to encourage improved relationships between the communities and the management of Saadani National Park.

We are pleased to be undertaking this work as it aligns perfectly with our organizational mandate and will provide an excellent opportunity to build partnerships in the region with government, communities and other NGOs. This project will contribute significantly to the Kihembe project we are undertaking with SANA [see details on our website – Kihembe] and is an excellent opportunity to expand our cooperative links with the staff of Saadani National Park [see Bruce’s latest journal entry].

The project gets underway this month and we have hired Peter Millanga as the Project Officer working in the region. We are pleased to welcome Peter to Kesho Trust. Look for more details about Peter and from Peter shortly on our website and in our newsletters.

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